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‘Thinking about money…’ is a series of free weekly articles prepared by the managing director of SentinelWealth Management. Justin Hooper’s article’s focus on relevant but diverse topics and tips that reinforce the importance of alleviating the anxiety around money. Each article inspires an alternative way of thinking and encourages deeper thought towards the topics of money, saving and investing.
Take a read of our feature in Business Insider
Take a read of our feature in Professional adviser
Take a read of our feature in the AFR
Sentinel Wealth Management Pty Ltd
ABN: 69 112 087 475
AFSL No. 336426
Phone: 02 8908 5300
Fax: 02 9285 0547
Level 24, 56 Pitt Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000
Postal Address:
PO Box R683, Royal Exchange,
NSW 1225
Nigel the fund manager who wants ‘the good life’ and believes ‘you can never have enough money or status’
/in Case Studies /by Justin HooperA 45 year old fund manager with 3 children, Nigel would admit that to some extent he has had his fair share of luck.
Paul the finance executive who thinks he’ll never create enough wealth as an employee
/in Case Studies /by Justin HooperWhen Paul and Sophie first came to us, they had some fairly common concerns.
Peter a partner of a large professional services firm, can’t stand the politics of change in management
/in Case Studies /by Justin HooperThe old management of the firm has now been replaced and Peter is not keen to ‘start the politics all over again’.
Cameron the lawyer who loves triathlons and is “not prepared to sacrifice his life for money”
/in Case Studies /by Justin HooperAfter changing careers and requalifying as a lawyer, Cameron joined a large firm.
Estate Planning
/in Our Services /by Justin HooperDo my existing estate arrangements fulfil my wishes in the optimal manner?